Sunday, October 11, 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

Fetal Malposition and Acquired Asymmetry

Fetal malposition commonly creates cranial restrictions. Certain asymmetries are natural. For example, the right side of the face is never comparable to the left. The position the fetus adopts in utero, as well as, the way in which the baby presents at delivery (breech birth, etc.) may result in a dominant side, which can explain asymmetrical cranial lesions. These differences are common, sometimes genetic, and sometimes acquired.

Constraints/restrictions in utero can be the result of uterine spasms, sometimes due to the mother's position. The baby may be positioned too low, or may enter the birth canal too early, as a result of the mother sitting, standing, or lying down for an extended period of time.

Working mothers-to-be often try to work as late as possible into their third trimester so they can take more time off after delivery. The infant is literally compressed against the pelvis with the head rotated to one side, leaving one side of the head more compressed than the other.

Forceps and suction are inevitable when the life of the infant or the mother is at stake. Nevertheless, this procedure can create numerous and significant osteo-cartilaginous restrictions.

Caesarean section spares the baby’s cranium from the impact of labor and delivery. Although invaluable at times, a caesarean section has the tremendous disadvantage of depriving the cranium of the chance to be “molded” by the natural compressive forces of the birth canal. The cranium is therefore left in the same state as it was in uterus. This is not always desirable, especially in the presence of cranial deformations.*

Embryonic Limitations and early Structural Organization

As the fetus grows, environmental pressures begin to dominate. At six months, the fetus is really being pressed by the limitations of space. This is particularly true if the mother’s posture or structure supports the pregnancy with difficulty. The child moves around quite a bit, so that it does have some ongoing choice. Especially towards the eighth month of pregnancy, however, this movement tends to be restricted to the limbs because there is little space.

The child’s position in uterus is thus important in its structural development and alignment. Whether the head is to the right or to the left of the knees, where the arms are in relationship to the spine – these factors establish the individual pattern of the vertebral column. We assume that the position of the head on the neck is determined by these spinal rotations. The assumption is that this relationship is established as early as the first week of pregnancy.

Such primary rotations are augmented and compensated by intrauterine limitations during late pregnancy. These rotations in the fetus continue into the structure of the adult. There are numerous examples of restrictions in the fascial sheets and connections as the child develops in the womb over time and their effects in later life. This may be the origin of so-called spontaneous curvatures. Children who have shown no prior structural problems can suddenly develop a curvature (scoliosis) just before puberty. It is possible that the pattern of the curve may have been established in the soft tissue relationships of the spine early on. These include nerves, fascia, rotational axis of each organ, meninges (dura), even down to the cellular level.**

In your session, it is our goal to go back to the original restriction and learn how it occurred during embryological development, regardless of your age. Of course, the older you are and the more memories and/or life experiences - physical/emotional/spiritual - are stored in your tissues, the longer it takes to unravel this pattern. Parents who watch me treating their baby, see me taking the baby right into this pattern and correcting any curvature. That’s why “the younger at time of treatment, the easier”.

On a personal note: I came to this work as a patient, crippled at age 33 from the effects of a pretty severe fetal mal position, resulting in a restriction going through my entire body and faulty treatment of this condition by conventional medicine. Today, I am living proof that even at an older age it can be corrected. However, the price of recovery is much more time, money and suffering. Immediate or early intervention could have spared me decades of pain, but I probably wouldn’t be the Therapist I am today.

*Excerpt from the book “Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves” – Barral, Croibier (Osteopaths)

** Excerpts taken from the book “The Endless Web - Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality” by R. Louis Schultz, PhD and Rosemary Feitis, DO

Sunday, May 24, 2020

IN UTERO Documentary Explores Epigenetics & Unconscious Memories

Tummy Time for Newborns

Tummy time is an excellent method to support your baby's strength . It is recommended by many manual therapist to treat plagiocephalism or torticollis.
From my experience and what I have seen in my practice, if the underlying restrictions are not released by an experienced manual therapist/osteopath, the results won't be as great and it is hard on the baby's body. Just imagine your sacrum (in the pelvis) has a restriction around one of the S.I. Joints and you are asked to do neck strengthening exercises. The pull that comes from below will always make it more difficult to do the exercises, and on top of it your body will figure out another way of compensation, to adapt to the exercises.

Thus, it is of utmost importance to release restrictions in any other system of the body, before you start working out. In this case, tummy time as a work out for babies.


What is OSTEODOUCE and how can it benefit my health?

Who discovered this method?

This innovative method was discovered by Jacky Roux, a famous French osteopath from the Alpes.
Jacky Roux named his method OsteoDouce ( Gentle Osteopathy ).
Since 2000 he has trained hundreds of people from all over France and Switzerland.
Jacky Roux passed away in January 2017.
I personally add to Jacky Roux's method the somatic contributions from Somatopathie Poyet (Poyet Method – French Osteopath Maurice Poyet).

What does a session look like?

In my practice of OsteoDouce I connect remotely to a body part (bones, joints, ligaments, organs) and my fingers can scan it precisely just as if this body part was in my hands.

For example: I can contact a lumbar vertebrae and feel it moving laterally with a left rotation (side bending).
I can as well feel a vertebrae being compressed on a side, which means that a physical trauma happened when the person was a child: This vertebrae did not grow normally and still holds the memory of a traumatic event.
During a session, what matters for me is the Movement of Life inside the person’s body. When a body part is harmonious, I can feel a beautiful figure 8 in my hands.
That figure 8 is called lemniscate. Lemniscates are present everywhere. Planets create infinite lemniscates in their dances around their Sun. Inside our bodies, this same dance occurs, just like the DNA structure.
Lemniscates are to be found throughout the human physical structure as long as the body is well-adjusted, because lemniscates are the manifestation of the Universal Energy in a balanced motion.
When physical or emotional trauma take place in a person’s life, this motion can be limited or stopped.

OsteoDouce is all about freeing the movement of life, the lemniscates, inside the body. 

The harmonization is achieved by observing a body part with a great attention and neutrality.

During the harmonization process, I kindly observe a body part until it leaves its traumatic position, releases its layers of trauma, sometimes dating from childhood, until I feel a harmonious movement in my hands. This free motion indicates that a body part has returned to its original position. When this happens, the pain goes away.

Harmonizing the body can be done without touching the body and from a great distance away. Though at this time I still prefer starting the session by touching the patient.
I love practicing this method because I can see the miracles of energetics and quantum physics principles applied every single day. We are One and that is not just a dream for idealists anymore.
This simple method is very powerful to adjust any part of the body.

* It should not be mistaken with other types of energy work. OsteoDouce training is based on anatomy/physiology and the movements of Cranial Osteopathy. 

​Visit to learn more.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why did I choose Osteopathy as a profession?

I came to this work as a patient. A series of medical mishaps shaped me into the committed practitioner I am today. Born with a fetal mal-position followed by one error treatment after another, a botched appendectomy as a teen, and extreme stress levels in corporate Germany from my early 20s well into my 30s. In hindsight, orthopedists and general doctors revealed a key weakness in western medicine by treating symptoms rather than finding the cause. Unable to locate the source of my illnesses, specialists began to think I was a hypochondriac and needed psychiatric help. I refused to give up, but for two years, I struggled to find answers. 

I believed in holistic medicine/modalities because something had to work. I was so sick, my body had allergic reactions/food sensitivities down to the water I drank. My immune system was breaking down and doctors were powerless to stop it, suggesting morphine for pain management. I laid on my couch in poor health, almost paralyzed from musculoskeletal/visceral dysfunction, depleted and near death at age 34. 

Out of options, in 2004 I was "lucky" that my physical therapist went on vacation and referred me to her boss who is an Osteopath from the Netherlands. From this moment I explored Manual Osteopathic Methods very deeply. 3 years later I accepted the help of a Healer from a remote Asian country who saved my life. Recovering and equipped with newly acquired knowledge, but in need of a complete change two years later, I moved to Southern California. 

Today, I am living proof of the regenerative powers within the body. Self-discipline, the will to get well, the courage to choose alternative medicine, and at times, acceptance of little known modalities helped me get in the best shape ever. 

Because I was, and still am, a very complex client/patient myself, I do have an inert understanding of how the different body systems (as well as mind and spirit) work together, most of the time I am the last resort for people after a long journey of trial and error with various therapies and/or therapists and doctors. I also consider myself an eternal student, and continue to have a passion for learning.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a manual examination and treatment method of the integrated musculoskeletal, visceral, vascular, neural, lymphatic and craniosacral systems. 

The manual Osteopath examines and treats manually the mobility of all these systems and looks for limitations in mobility that could be linked to the patient’s complaint.

Osteopaths make use of an extensive practical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology. By treating mobility of the musculoskeletal, the vascular, neurological and fascial system in an integrated and structural way, patients healing capacities increase dramatically.

The principles of Osteopathy are:

-       The body is a unit, and the person represents a combination of body, mind and spirit.
-       The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing and health maintenance.
-       Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

-       Rational treatment is based on an understanding of these principles: body unity, self-regulation, and the interrelationship of structure and function